The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Video Response to Walter Benjamin's Essay (Summer 2022)
Made with Adobe PremierePro & Audition
Class: Visual Storytelling & Development
Artist Statement & MORE INFORMATION:
Like the concept of time, this piece is meant to be an open interpretation that kind of depends on the viewer’s perception. No two people are meant to feel exactly the same when viewing this piece. I wanted to explore the concept of an object’s value in time and space. I used time-lapse and slow-motion footage as a way to manipulate time as we know it and push the frames outside our natural limitations. The order of events is used to create a sense of reciprocity in nature. The glitch effects are meant to give life to the imagery with the intention of exploring the possibility of time on a non-linear path. The use of heavy editing in correlation with the soundtrack is associated with the age of mechanical reproduction.